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Admissions  To Program

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Should you or someone you know need assistance, please do not hesitate. Pick up the phone and ask to speak with our center's overseer to begin the application process. We treat each person in our center as a member of the family. Junior staff members and higher-ranking residents teach the "younger" residents. Senior staff and Directors handle the major problems and decisions.

Each one is expected to do his or her part to make the "family" run as smoothly as possible. There are 5 1/2 hours of Bible study per day, and the training amounts to approximately one year of Bible school. There is a comprehensive study of the New Testament and a general survey of the Old Testament.  The daily schedule varies slightly at each center but fundamentally remains the same.


Our purpose is to provide hope to the hopeless.  It is our goal to direct the people to the Lord Jesus to find love and a purpose for their lives and to make disciples of them as the Bible directs.

Who can apply?


Adults (ages 18 and up) can apply to any of our centers for help. Admission is on a bed availability basis.  Our centers are open to both men and women.  All we ask is that the person is willing to seek God for the answer to life's problems and be ready to follow the schedule of the program. Prospective residents should call the overseer at the center of their choice.


A preliminary interview will be done by phone or in person if distance allows. If a person is under the age of 18, sometimes exceptions can be made on a case by case basis. Sonrise Mission Bible Training Center is a non-profit, non-denominational organization with a Christ-centered, residential discipleship program for people of all backgrounds with a history of alcohol or drug abuse or emotional problems. Our program is free to anyone who is willing to seek God for the answers to their problems.

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Once you've called


We do require some initial blood tests (and a pregnancy test for women) before accepting a person.  Also, the incoming resident will be required to have a return ticket (or the equivalent).  It is important to know that the program is highly structured and if a person is incapable of adhering to program rules and guidelines they may not be permitted to stay. The return ticket is used if we must ask a person to leave.

Any serious health or legal problems should be taken care of before coming into the center. Only emergency medical care will be sought for the person while in the training program, and any medical expenses are the responsibility of the resident. Typically only non-addictive, non-narcotic medications will be permitted at any center.


There is never any charge for any service our non-profit organization provides. Sonrise Mission Bible Training Center receives no financial support from the government or any particular church denomination. We rely entirely on support from individuals, businesses, organizations, and churches that are sensitive to the type of work we do.

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